Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Feathered Friend

Not only did we make new friends on land and water, we also befriended one of the winged variety (or should I say he befriended us?)! It was cute to begin with, but now we wake up every morning to this little guy, tapping on our window. The worst part is, he keeps it up all day long! Any suggestions on how we can alienate the little guy? Enjoy the photos and the movie clips to show how persistent he is (we tried to scare him away with a guard bee, but he saw right through it)

Also, we have a couple of swans in our lake, they came right up to the beach. They are so beautiful and graceful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I can see where as they are "cute", they can be nerve racking. I had to put little hand wind mill's { that kid's play with) along my fence, as Too many birds no longer were fun. ha ha How ever I do have a BB gun. Just kidding !! I hope that was the only picture that was with this one, as it's all I got. Love you kid's ,the mom