Sunday, August 24, 2008

8-15 to 8-29, 2008 Soap Lake, WA

I will post this now, even though we haven't left the park yet, just to give you an idea about where we are now. We are staying at Soap Lake RV Park in Soap Lake, WA. Soap Lake is a mineral lake where people come to "mud" themselves with the healing power of the mineral rich mud at the heart of the lake. Our RV park is located at the very North tip of the lake, as you can see in the picture. From here we drove to Moses Lake to visit with friends and shop as well as driving to Richland, WA to visit with Nell and the new grandbaby, Tyler, isn't he the cutest!! We also saw the laser light show on (yes, ON) the Grand Coulee Dam. It was beautiful and informative!

If we take any more interesting photos while we are here, we will update this blog to include those pictures. Enjoy the photos.


Unknown said...

Dad and Stacy,

It was great seeing you, thanks so much for making the drive out to visit. Ty (or Tyler as you call him), Jeff and I had a good time.

Love you,


Kathy said...

I really enjoyed all your pictures, it is amazing how many beautiful places we have in the US. I have only seen Boise in ID, wish I could travel more. Love, cousin Kathy

Unknown said...

Loved your place at the RV park, and your very own "beach" yet.,too cool. AGAIN, great pictures. Happy your visit with Nell and her little family turned out nicely. And pleased to see Kathy looked in on your travel's, such fun. Love you guy's, mom

Letty E said...

Hi Stacy and Brad,
Looks like you two have been having a great time on the road. Great pictures but I can imagine the real thing actually looks FANTASTIC!!
Keep on trucking and be safe.
I can only hope that sometime in the near future Art and I can do what you are doing. It's a dream of a life time. Take care and GOD Speed. Be safe and May GOD bless you both.

Letty E