Friday, June 25, 2010

6-20-10 Father's Day

If you are just now tuning into this blog, you probably noticed that there are quite a few postings made today. I have to apologize to everyone that I have been very lazy and haven't posted in a very long time (I know, I need to emphasize the very). But I'm back and will try very hard to post on a timely manner from now on. It's just that now that we have settled down in Tucson, I didn't think there was much that people wanted to hear from me about, but I was proved wrong by family and friends. So, here's to you, Ma, as well as my sisters and cousins who follow this blog to find out what we've been up to. Enjoy the photos in this as well as the following postings!

You might notice that Brad is not in these pictures, I'm sad to say that he had to work today, but he was in all our thoughts!

1 comment:

Dick & Jackie Driver said...

It's great to see you guys are still alive and well, we have missed your blog.

Dick & Jackie